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Friday, May 15, 2015

Happiness Is Like a Crystal..!!

   HAPPINESS is like a crystal,
         Fair and exquisite and clear,
         Broken in a million pieces,
         Shattered, scattered far and near.
         Now and then along life’s pathway,
         Lo! some shining fragments fall;
         But there are so many pieces
         No one ever finds them all.
-Priscilla Leonard

I have loved this poem ever since I read it for the first time, not sure, maybe since 6th or 8th grade. Well, that doesn't really matter..!!

It inspired me to take up the job of, cheering people up, in random and unplanned ways, and believe it or not, it's refreshingly fulfilling. I don't do it all the time but some times, here or there.

A recent incident motivated me to write this post. I was walking past(rushing to be truthful) a place, post lunch. I am usually very observant of my surroundings, irrespective of  time, place, people, state of mind, schedule, etc. I heard a melodious whistle, looked around to spot the very source of it. While I was almost running around to avoid being late for an appointment (one thing I absolutely don't like is, being late), I was curious and busy processing information about euphonious whistle. A saw another person greeting this person, calling out his/her name. I am not very good at remembering people's name. So, I usually repeat that a few times in my mind, along with one/two unique attributes about the person, until I can memorize it so well, that it can almost always occur naturally. It was an easily identifiable unique talent in this case, so was not that tough.

I noticed this person a couple of times, post that day. One can usually figure things out about a person's state of mind from his/her face, especially when they are low, sad, bored, angry etc. I was in rush again but managed to utter a few words "Hey <his/her name>, How are you? Why aren't you whistling today?", smiled and walked past him/her. I could hear similar, lyrical tune, moments later. Repeated this a few times and the next time it happened, the person stopped me, and asked for my name.

From there on, one thing that changed was; I always found him/her polishing on his/her unique talent. Even, if (s)he was busy doing something else or may be a little dull, would immediately start doing that as soon we exchanged glances. Good music lits your own and other people's face up, literally..!!

It's difficult to put this on paper but try cheering somebody up next time, and you would certainly understand what I mean..


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